Reflections on 100 Years Since World War I: What Has Changed?

Reflections on 100 Years Since World War I: What Has Changed?

In this year’s first Fletcher Forum podcast, Professor Sulmaan Khan sits down with Fletcher students Sarah Davis, Karst Brandsma, and Kacie Yearout to reflect on the origins of World War I and the centenary of the end of the war. Drawing parallels between the lead up to World War I and today’s current state of global affairs, this episode's guests discuss the similarities and differences of today's world and that of the early 1900s, as well as the role of analogies in historical analysis. This episode gives listeners a peek inside the themes explored in the Forum’s Winter print edition, "Global Transformations: A Century Since the Great War," which will be published this month. Stay tuned for more episodes this semester!

Reflections on 100 Years Since World War I: What Has Changed?
The Fletcher Forum
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