Building Digital Infrastructure for India's Public Education
In the sixth episode of the Talking DPIs podcast series, Sarthak Satapathy talks to Shankar Maruwada from Ekstep Foundation about India’s Digital Public Infrastructure journey in education (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing - DIKSHA). They discuss the importance of people and institutions in any DPI journey, and how a combination of policy, technology, and +1 thinking came together in building DIKSHA.
Shankar is the CEO of Ekstep Foundation, which addresses social problems at scale through societal platforms. He pioneered data analytics in India by co-founding Marketics and was also the Head of Demand Generation for India’s national identity program, Aadhar.
Shankar's writings on DPI -
Fast-Tracking Development: A Building Blocks Approach for Digital Public Goods
Digital Public Goods for Education: The Indian Experience
From Seed to a Forest: The EkStep origin story